Friday, November 12, 2010

Ignorance Is Bliss Under Certain Circumstances In Building Up Relationship!

The common belief that you should know everything about your date before entering into a relationship is a myth. Swiss psychologists are of opinion that not knowing and liking the partner is a better than knowing and not liking the partner.

Don't try to explore his personal habits, friends circle, past affairs and failures which do not have any impact on your present relationship. Accept him as he is at the face value without probing into unrelated aspects like whether he smokes,drinks, flirts with his personal assistant at office, etc. Certain times brutal honesty really kills the live-in relationship.

In the modern era, a practical working relationship, marriage-without-being-married, is catching up fast amongst the young couples. No doubt he is not just a roommate but a soul-mate. What is more relevant is your partner's likes and dislikes, personality traits, attitude towards you and the like.

Don't you feel that ignorance is bliss in this case!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Are Kids A Must For Nuclear Families?

From the good old days of joint families we have come to an era of nuclear families. The numbers (of kids in a nuclear family) is also dwindling rapidly due to economic and personal reasons. And then you have single parenting as a corollary to nuclear family concept. The question now is whether to have children or not in a nuclear family.

Couples discuss the hot topic 'kids' even at the time of dating so that there is no disappointment or surprise once they begin the journey as man & wife.

The new mantra DINKS (Double Parents & No Kids) is catching up fast now. Both the partners are educated & empowered professionals aspiring to lead a luxurious life with least encumbrances.

Child bearing and rearing is stressful and difficult for the modern woman who is not only a home maker but also a bread winner in the family. Furthermore the process is quite expensive. Time is dear and spouses like to utilize the same for their career growth. As a consequence the children are brought up by maid servants. Even if the couple get free time they tend to use it for travel, hobbies and bonding. The equation between the couple changes drastically due to demands and needs of children. There is a feeling amongst the partners that their personal relationship is jeopardized by the arrival of kids.

The other side of the issue is interesting. Husband or wife become more self-centered and highly individualistic. Personal needs override other priorities. Personal relationship does not evolve as the partners do not move to the next level of their love life - parenthood. Kids play a neutral role at times of crisis in the family. They also help parents to look beyond themselves.

There is no formula solution for this problem. Situation for each couple is unique and they have to take decision befitting their commitments and goals in life.

Despite all odds in this issue,the experience of majority of the people around the world is that you really miss something if you do not have children!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

5 Amazing Tips To Rejuvenate Your Love Life!

When did you spend time holidaying with your spouse last?
Have you observed that you are unable to pay attention to the personal needs of your partner due to demanding professional life?
Do you feel a crack has developed in your relationship with your sweetheart?
Yes, these are symptoms warning you ahead about your deteriorating relationship with your soul mate. You have to take immediate action for damage control.

Try these 5 simple but effective techniques to rejuvenate your love life.

Keep aside sometime in a day or a week exclusively for both of you without the interference of anyone else including your kids.

Both of you go to gym and workout together everyday.

Plan a vacation just for the two of you every year. Spend your time discussing and solving personal problems and shortcomings.

Even at home set your bedroom with the right ambiance for romancing once in a week. With your mellifluous voice, gentle whispers, graceful movements, favorite dishes you can bring back the pleasant memories of the good old dating days. Try to reminisce your dating dialogues and promises and wishlists. There is no hard and fast rules and use your prior experience and imagination.

Get into small intimate acts like dressing up each other. Gentle rubbing of unmasked limbs, bushy eyebrow, caressing the limbs mutually electrifies the situation and provide a soothing effect to the love lorn partner.

With above tricks you are bound to hit the bulls eye and race back to your lost love life!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chocolates Enhance Your Sexual Drive!

Love may be spontaneous and natural and it overflows automatically when true lovers bond. In the Victorian age music was considered as the food of love. In the modern times there are several food items which put you into romantic mood. There are certain concoctions known for their enhancement of sex drive and libido. These are no love potions and are part of our day-to-day easy to make food items. Let us have a look at these wonder items.

Honey is the natural form of sugar and is considered as the ideal food for all energy required for those extended hours of bonding. Newly weds in Europe are given plenty of honey during the first month of married life to improve their performance in the bed.

Oyster is a seafood which contains dopamine that enhances the sexual desire in a person. It helps to increase the production of testosterone to heighten sexual pleasure.

Strawberries is considered as an aphrodisiac. It is served in France to newlyweds to improve romance. With delicious whipped cream it is an ideal love food.

Bananas are helpful in revving up the male performance.

Alcohol - Red wine increases the testosterone level in women and create the right mood in them for a successful sex life. Champagne also has the same effect as that of Red wine.

Dark Chocolates contains antioxidant to improve blood flow. It is said that Casanova used to seduce girls after eating a tin of chocolates.

Spices like ginger, garlic, saffron, cardamom, etc., are lavishly used to induce the desire for the amorous act.

Guys and gals, these are valuable tips to set you and your date into the right mood for a great weekend. Enjoy your sex life with these rare delicacies.