Saturday, November 19, 2011

What would the world be like without us!

The world is a beautiful place to live with the abundant resources endowed by Mother Nature - the mighty oceans, long rivers, lush green meadows, dense forests, multiple minerals, and many more.  Mankind has unraveled the mysteries of Nature with the help of science and technology and created marvels like the spaceship, computers, mobile phones and the Internet of the modern era.  The overall health, standard of living and lifespan of the humans keeps touching highs.  In addition spiritualism, righteousness, honesty and altruism characterize the people of the earth in their march towards bringing the entire world under one umbrella irrespective of the different barriers like language, geography, economy, race, etc. 

What would the world be like without us?  The world shines because of the people living in it.  Without you and me the earth will be a barren planet.  Yes, we give life and harmony to Mother Nature!   

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sexual Aversion Is A Killer Disorder Between Partners, Take Guard!

Sexual intercourse is one of the important ingredients of love life between partners in a dating situation or after marriage.

Sometimes one of the spouses may dislike sexual contact owing to the following reasons.
• Loss of desire during menopause and after the birth of a child
• Domestic worries and difficulties in upbringing children
• Loss of dear ones

The loss of sexual interest on account of the above causes is normal and temporary. As against this Sexual Aversion is a more serious disorder which will lead to breaking of relationship if left unattended.

The symptoms of sexual aversion can be listed as under.
• Traumatic experiences like rape, incest, molestation or other forms of abuse
• Firewall of negative attitude and built-in fear preventing sexual pleasure
• Physical pain during and after intercourse
• Lack of knowledge on human sexual anatomy
• Hatred towards partner

As a consequence partners suffering from sexual aversion would prefer to live in isolation, feel socially insecure and depressed. Unfulfilled sexual desires, lack of ability to attain climax and frustration are the outcome of relationship between such partners.

What are the remedial measures to correct this cruel disorder?
Counseling by expert psychiatrists, cognitive behavioral therapy, effective communication training, resolving differences on the basis of empathy and mutual trust, etc., are some of the super techniques to overcome sexual aversion between partners.

Folks, take guard against sexual aversion while you date.

Courtesy: Times of India